Porous asphalt reduces pollution

This story concerns a community outside of the Great Bay Watershed, the town of Pelham, but the subject is very pertinent to issues currently affecting Great Bay.

As mentioned in the State of the Estuaries Report recently released by the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP), one of the greatest threats to the region’s estuaries is the input of nitrogen largely due to stormwater runoff associated with the increased number of impervious surfaces in the area. Pelham has recently teamed with contracter Stickville LLC and the UNH Stormwater Center to lay down porous asphalt on one of the town’s roads, a first for the state. This type of innovation may help us make great strides in combatting the stormwater issue.

Read the Eagle-Tribune article here.

You can also read the UNH press release here.

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